Battlefields to Boardrooms
Battlefields to Boardrooms

There’s universal agreement that coaching works. It is a conversation intended to develop an individual’s (or team’s) capacity to be more effective and perform better.

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Effective coaching skills for leaders
Effective coaching skills for leaders

There’s universal agreement that coaching works. It is a conversation intended to develop an individual’s (or team’s) capacity to be more effective and perform better.

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Managers enable, leaders empower
Managers enable, leaders empower

At work, you’ll occasionally hear the words ‘enable’ and ‘empower’ used interchangeably, as in ‘we empower our staff to do their best and ‘we enable our staff to do their best. 

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Good leaders don't give advice - they coach
Good leaders don't give advice - they coach

This article is full of wise insights, is often quoted, and holds an important revelation when developing coaching skills for leaders.

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I don't have time to coach
I don't have time to coach

One of the biggest complaints I hear from managers learning how to coach is that they simply don’t have time for coaching sessions in the workplace. I...

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Coaching Qualifications to enhance your leadership skills
Coaching Qualifications to enhance your leadership skills

  Our programmes have a strong focus on theoretical learning as well as a practical application within the workplace which is why they are so popular with our clients. 

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