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What gets coached is more important than who gets coached
While approaches may change, the principal goal of coaching in organisations is to build a better tomorrow. This may be built around purpose, transformation, ESG aspirations, agility, retention or wellbeing – but, ultimately, it’s about how we can be better.
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The Great Resignation - The Importance of Coaching in the Great Retention
The term, the Great Resignation, was coined in America during the pandemic when people were confronted with the stark reality that our lives are fragile and can be cut short.
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It's never too late to learn
“The ILM 7 Coaching and Mentoring course is about making me better at helping others be better” Most people don’t have their lives mapped out, and for those that do, unexpected changes naturally arise.
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Creating a legacy through coaching
“Transformational” and a way of leaving a “profound legacy” are how two senior managers have described the impact our highest coaching qualification has had on them.
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Are you really a good listener?
Effective listening skills are central to wider coaching skills for leaders and managers and for coaching employees to improve performance.
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Why we need as many words for ‘coaching’ as the Sámi have for ‘snow’
As the snow fell recently while walking on Exmoor, I was taken back briefly to the many winter months spent training in Norway’s Arctic Circle.
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